Your baby is growing up fast! At 2 months old, your little one is developing quickly and hitting some major developmental milestones. Below are some motor, cognitive, language communication, social & emotional skills babies are developing around 2 months old:


Motor skills:

  • Hold their head parallel to their body when lifted horizontally.

  • Extend both legs.

  • Roll from their side to their back.

  • Kick their legs, alternating each.

  • Stare at something or someone for a few seconds.

  • Bring their hands to the middle of their body while on their back.

  • Lift their head briefly during tummy time (between 0 and 2 months)



  • Visually explore their surroundings

  • Listen to a voice for 30 seconds (between 1 and 3 months)

  • Begin to show clear excitement when something is about to happen, like feeding or being picked up (between 1 and 4 months)

  • Start to recognize people at a distance.

  • Watch the eyes and mouth of someone speaking.

  • Begin responding to voices (between 0 and 3 months)

Language & communication:

  • Begin to laugh (between 2 and 4 months)

  • Start making sounds when not moving.

  • Begin to squeal.

Social & emotional:

  • Begin to smile intentionally (between 2 and 4 months)

  • Establish eye contact more regularly.

  • Mold and relax their body when cuddled.

  • Get fussy when an activity doesn’t change.

  • Briefly calm themselves by sucking on their hands


Smiling: At around 2 months, your baby will start to smile in response to your smiles and other stimuli. This is a key social milestone and a sign that your baby is starting to recognize and respond to the world around them.


Lifting their head: your baby's neck muscles are getting stronger, allowing them to lift their head up briefly while lying on their tummy. This is an important milestone for building strength and developing coordination.
Following objects: Your baby's eyes are developing rapidly, and at 2 months, they should be able to follow a moving object with their eyes. This is an important visual milestone and a sign that your baby's brain is processing visual information effectively.
Vocalizing: At 2 months, your baby will start to make cooing and gurgling sounds, as they explore their own voice and learn to communicate. This is an important milestone for building language skills and social interaction.
Recognizing faces: Your baby's social skills are developing rapidly at 2 months, and they should be able to recognize familiar faces, such as yours or other family members.
Bringing hands to mouth: Your baby's motor skills are developing quickly, and at 2 months, they should be able to bring their hands to their mouth and begin exploring objects with their mouth.
Sleeping patterns: At 2 months, your baby may start to sleep for longer stretches at night, although they will still need to eat frequently. This is an important milestone for developing healthy sleep patterns and establishing a routine.
As your baby grows and develops, it's important to remember that every baby is different and may hit milestones at different times. It's also important to keep in mind that these milestones are general guidelines, and some babies may reach them earlier or later than others. If you have any concerns about your baby's development, talk to your pediatrician or another healthcare professional.
In conclusion, the 2-month milestone is a critical stage in your baby's development. It is important to pay attention to these milestones to ensure that your baby is on the right track. Remember to keep an eye on your baby's development and celebrate every milestone!
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