Watching your baby grow and develop is an exciting journey! From 4 months old to 1 year, your little one will go through many changes and hit important developmental milestones. Here are some of the key milestones to look out for:
Our 2 months old milestone blog can be found here: "2 months old milestones."

4 Months:

  • Rolling over: At around 4 months, your baby may start to roll over from their back to their tummy or vice versa. This is an important physical milestone and a sign that your baby is gaining more control over their body.
  • Sitting up: Your baby's core muscles are developing rapidly, and at around 4 months, they may start to sit up with support. This is an important milestone for building strength and developing coordination.
  • Reaching for objects: Your baby's hand-eye coordination is improving, and at 4 months, they should be able to reach for and grasp objects with their hands.
  • Babbling: your baby may start to babble and make more complex sounds, as they begin to explore language and communication.


6 Months:

  • Crawling: Your baby may begin to crawl or scoot around the floor by the time they are 6 months old. They will use their hands and knees to move.
  • By six months old, your baby's digestive tract is prepared for solid foods, and you can begin introducing soft, pureed foods.
  • Your baby may be able to sit up on their own for brief amounts of time by the time they are six months old since their core muscles are becoming stronger.
  • When hearing their name: Around six months old, your baby should be able to recognize and respond to their name. Social skills are developing quickly in babies.


9 Months:


  • At nine months old, your baby may begin to pull themselves to a standing posture with the assistance of furniture or other items.
  • Crawling more quickly: Your baby is getting better at crawling, and at 9 months, they may start to move more quickly and actively investigate their surroundings.
  • Pincer grasp: Around 9 months old, your baby should be able to use their thumb and fingers to pick up small things with a pincer grasp since their fine motor abilities are still developing.
  • Your baby may begin to speak "mama" and "dada" as well as other rudimentary words at 9 months old as their language abilities advance.


1 Year:

  • Walking: Your kid may begin to walk at the age of one, while some newborns may not begin walking for several months.
  • Speaking simple words: Around one year old, your baby should be able to say a few basic words like "mama" or "dada." Your baby's linguistic abilities are developing quickly.
  • Interacting with others: your baby should be able to play and engage with other kids. Their social abilities are growing quickly.
  • Drinking from a cup: By one year, your baby should be able to do so on their own thanks to improved fine motor abilities.


It's important to keep in mind that every kid develops at their own rate, and some may reach milestones earlier or later than others. If you have any concerns about your baby's development, talk to your pediatrician or another healthcare professional. Celebrate every milestone and enjoy watching your baby grow and develop! 




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